How does eteocles die in Antigone?

After the bloody siege of Thebes by Polynices and his allies, the city stands unconquered. Polynices and his brother Eteocles, however, are both dead, killed by each other, according to the curse of Oedipus, their father.

In Sophocles’ Antigone, Aetheocles dies in battle with his brother Polinicus. Both brothers die at each other’s hands in a battle for power over the city of Thebes. Eteocles was king of Thebes, but Polinicus, his brother, was going to attack the city to seize power. Eteocles went out to fight against Polinicus and died in the battle. At the end of the play Creon, Antigone’s uncle, announces that Polinicus will be buried with military honors and that Eteocles will be left without a funeral because he was a traitor to the city.

What happened to Eteocles in Antigone?

Eteocles and Polynices died fighting each other. Polynices began a civil war against his brother in an attempt to usurp him.

In “Antigone” by Sophocles, Eteocles dies in battle against his brother, Polynices. Both brothers die at each other’s hands in a battle for control over the city of Thebes. Eteocles was the king of Thebes, but Polynices, his brother, planned to attack the city to seize power. Eteocles went to fight against Polynices and died in battle. At the end of the play, Creon, Antigone’s uncle, declares that Polynices will be buried with military honors, but Eteocles will be left unburied because he was considered a traitor to the city.

How was Eteocles killed?

As time passed, and the two sons aged, Eteocles claimed the throne for himself, exiling his older brother Polyneices. Polyneices then gathered a giant army and attacked Eteocles for the throne. Neither of the two sons won because they both ended up killing each other in battle.

In “Antigone” by Sophocles, Eteocles was killed in battle against his brother Polynices. The two brothers fought against each other for control over the city of Thebes. Eteocles was the king of Thebes, but Polynices, his brother, wanted to take over the city. Eteocles went to fight against Polynices and they killed each other in the battle. The exact details of Eteocles’ death are not described in the play, but it is clear that he died in combat.

Did Eteocles die?

Eteocles was buried with honours in the city, but his brother, considered a traitor, was left to rot on the battlefield. His sister, Antigone, later tried to bury him against the will of the newly appointed ruler, her uncle Creon, leading to further misery in the family.

What will happen to Eteocles body?

What will happen to Eteocles’ body? It will be fed to crows.

Who is Eteocles in Antigone?

Eteocles is the brother of Antigone, Ismene and Polyneices. He took control of Thebes after King Oedipus died, but then refused share the throne with his brother Polyneices. The two brothers fought and killed each other outside one of the city’s seven gates – and that’s when the real trouble began.