Is haemon Antigone’s husband?

Haemon- He is Creon’s son. Haemon is supposed to marry Antigone, however, when Creon banishes Antigone to her death, Haemon runs off. He is later found, dead by her side, after committing suicide for his lost love. Polyneices- He is the eldest son of Oedipus and Jocasta.

Is Antigone married to Haemon?

Haemon is engaged to be married to Antigone. Once Creon dies, Haemon will become King of Thebes, which will make Antigone the Queen. As Queen of Thebes, Antigone would restore her family line (the direct descendants of Cadmus, the founder of Thebes) to the throne.

Who is Haemon to Antigone?

Haemon. Antigone’s young fiancé and son to Creon. Haemon appears twice in the play. In the first, he is rejected by Antigone; in the second, he begs his father for Antigone’s life.

How are Antigone and Haemon related?

Antigone’s father Oedipus died, which left the throne of Thebes open to his two sons Polyneices and Eteocles. A battle ensued between the brothers, leaving them both dead. Since women were unable to hold power, Antigone’s Uncle Creon was named King. Creon’s son Haemon happened to be engaged to Antigone.

Who did Haemon marry?

Unfortunately for Oedipus, his flight takes him directly to Thebes, where he fulfills the prophecy, killing Laius and marrying Jocasta and father four children with her: Polynices, Eteocles, Ismene, and Antigone. From their very birth, the children of Oedipus seem to be doomed.

Who is Antigone father?


Antigone, in Greek legend, the daughter born of the unwittingly incestuous union of Oedipus and his mother, Jocasta.