Why is Curley important in Of Mice and Men?

He is the Boss’s son and takes advantage of the power that he has over the other men on the ranch to treat them cruelly and pick fights. He is physically small and so is resentful of bigger men and picks a fight with Lennie because of this.

What does Curley represent in the novel?

Curley is the boss’s son, and because his father only appears once, Curley is the main representative in the novella of the land-owning class. Like his father, Curley wears “high-heeled boots” to mark his wealth and status, and most likely to lessen the smallness of his stature.

Why does Steinbeck use Curley?

Steinbeck uses this portrayal of Curley to criticise the nature of American society and power in the 1930s– those who have power, like Curley, exert their power over others, perhaps who they secretly fear or perceive as weak, to get over their own personal convictions.

Why is Curley the antagonist in Of Mice and Men?

Curley is the antagonist, or the character who stand in opposition to the protagonist, in Of Mice and Men who, because of his lack of confidence in his masculinity, or sense of maleness, marries and treats his wife like a possession, showcased by the fact that we never learn her name.

What is Curley’s main problem?

Curley’s wife dresses and acts like a tramp, according to the men. The problem is that she is lonesome since Curley won’t let her talk to anyone. She keeps coming around the bunkhouse and barn to talk to the men (and to make advances), and then Curley gets jealous and mad with the men and tries to start fights.

How does Steinbeck present the character of Curley?

Steinbeck presents Curley as mean and violent throughout the novel. Strutting around the ranch in his ridiculous “high-heeled boots”, the antagonist is an “angry little man” who tries to prove his masculinity and assert his authority with his “handy” boxing skills, but the men view him with contempt.