How did Cezanne die?

Paul Cézanne suffered from diabetes for many years, and in his 60s the illness became more serious. In his late 60s he succumbed to pneumonia and died a few days later.

What happened to Paul Cézanne?

Cézanne is said to have formed the bridge between late 19th-century Impressionism and the early 20th century’s new line of artistic enquiry, Cubism.

Paul Cézanne
Died 22 October 1906 (aged 67) Aix-en-Provence, France
Resting place Saint-Pierre Cemetery
Nationality French

Did Van Gogh know Cézanne?

Van Gogh mentioned Cezanne in at least 13 of his letters. The excerpts below were written to his brother Theo and artist friend Emile Bernard in the period when he was in Arles, in the same region as Aix-en-Provence where Cezanne also lived and painted.

Why did Cézanne paint skulls?

So why focus on a human skull? Cézanne is known for supposedly exclaiming: “How beautiful a skull is to paint!” it is possible that Cézanne was drawn to skulls as a subject for his work as a volumetric form; much in the same way he was drawn to painting fruit and vases in some of his other most famous works.

Why was Cézanne considered a genius?

Often called the father of modern art, he was a bridge between the impressionists and the cubists, he hugely influenced the likes of Matisse, Picasso, Gauguin, Braque, Kandinsky and Mondrian. He was an innovator taking liberties with shape and form unheard of in his day.

Why did Cézanne paint still lifes?

Sometimes one wonders how these rounded objects didn’t roll off Cézanne’s table. But in constructing his still lifes, Cézanne wished to showcase the objects themselves and would tilt the plane towards the viewer so we can get a better look.

Why did Paul Cézanne paint Still Life with Apples?

“Painting from nature is not copying the object,” Paul Cézanne wrote, “it is realizing one’s sensations.” Still Life with Apples reflects this view and the artist’s steady fascination with color, light, pictorial space, and how we see.

Why Van Gogh cut his ear?

Vincent van Gogh cut off his left ear when tempers flared with Paul Gauguin, the artist with whom he had been working for a while in Arles. Van Gogh’s illness revealed itself: he began to hallucinate and suffered attacks in which he lost consciousness. During one of these attacks, he used the knife.

What was Van Gogh’s favorite color?


Yellow was Vincent Van Gogh’s favorite color. He preferred yellow ochre in the beginning of his career, adding the newly discovered pigments cadmium yellow and chrome yellow later on. He transformed the light in his landscapes into pure color.