What does secco recitative mean?

Recitativo secco (“dry recitative”) is sung with a free rhythm dictated by the accents of the words. Accompaniment, usually by continuo (cello and harpsichord), is simple and chordal. The melody approximates speech by using only a few pitches.

What are the two types of recitative?

There are two types of recitative found in opera, secco recitative, and accompagnato. Secco recitative (dry recitation) is a speech-like setting often of substantial amounts of dialogue.

When discussing recitative in a classical opera What is the term Secco?

the term secco is precise. It indicates. recitative that is accompanied by. continuo only, as distinguished from. orchestrally accompanied recitative.

What does the word recitative mean?

Definition of recitative

1 : a rhythmically free vocal style that imitates the natural inflections of speech and that is used for dialogue and narrative in operas and oratorios also : a passage to be delivered in this style. 2 : recitation sense 2.

What is recitative style of singing?

recitative, style of monody (accompanied solo song) that emphasizes and indeed imitates the rhythms and accents of spoken language, rather than melody or musical motives. Modeled on oratory, recitative developed in the late 1500s in opposition to the polyphonic, or many-voiced, style of 16th-century choral music.

What is coloratura singing?

First things first, what is coloratura? The word literally means colouring, but it’s come to mean a particular style of singing that includes lots of fast high notes, trills, ornaments and general flashy shenanigans.

What does Accompagnato mean in music?

Noun. accompagnato (plural accompagnatos) (music) A tempo mark directing that a recitative is to be accompanied by the orchestra. (music) A passage having this mark.

What is the difference between an aria and a recitative?

What is the difference between a Recitative and an Aria in Baroque Opera? Recitatives and Arias serve two contrasting functions in the Baroque Opera. A recitative, also known by the Italian name ‘recitativo’, acts as a dialogue and allows the characters to move the story onwards through a narrative.

What does Senza mean in music?

without the

Definition of senza replica
: without the (normally indicated) repeat —used as a direction in music.