What happens if you say Macbeth in a theater?

If an actor speaks the word “Macbeth”, or quotes the play, in a theatre other than in performance, they must perform a ritual to remove the curse.

What should you do if you accidentally say Macbeth in a theater?

So what’s the antidote for accidentally uttering the forbidden word? Simple. Exit the theatre, spin around three times, spit over your left shoulder and either recite a line from Shakespeare or unleash a profanity.

Is it bad to say Macbeth in a theatre?

1) Saying “Macbeth” in the theatre curses the production.

It’s said that the actor playing Lady Macbeth tragically died on opening night in 1606 and Shakespeare himself had to step in. Dueling Macbeth productions in New York caused the great Astor Place Riot in 1849, leaving at least 25 dead and hundreds injured.

How many suicides are there in Shakespeare’s plays?

How Many Times Does Suicide Occur in Shakespeare’s Plays? Scholars have argued for thirteen explicit suicides in Shakespeare’s plays, with more possible suicides where a character’s death is not detailed and the audience is left to interpret the death on its own. The thirteen are: Brutus (Julius Caesar)

How do I remove curse from Scottish play?

According to the Royal Shakespeare Company’s website, the way to undo the curse is to leave the theater, spin around three times, then spit, curse and knock on the theater door and ask to be re-admitted.

Why do actors Never Say Macbeth?

Don’t say the ‘M’ word!

Saying ‘Macbeth’ in a theatre will immediately bring you bad luck. According to folklore, the play’s history of bad luck began at its very first performance (circa 1606) when the actor scheduled to portray Lady Macbeth died suddenly and Shakespeare was forced to replace him.

Why don’t we say Macbeth?

Macbeth. William Shakespeare’s play Macbeth is said to be cursed, so actors avoid saying its name when in the theatre (the euphemism “The Scottish Play” is used instead). Actors also avoid even quoting the lines from Macbeth before performances, particularly the Witches’ incantations.