What is directorial concept in Theatre?

In essence, the directorial concept or ‘vision’ is how the director envisions the play. This begins as a written idea before being realised through the elements of production, namely the set, costumes and lighting. Before launching a production, the director must have a clear vision.

How do you write a director’s concept statement?

Your Concept, how you ideally would like to interpret the play.

  1. Include what you would see as the “Spine” of the play. …
  2. Flesh out the main idea of the spine and how it is connected to the given circumstances in your play. …
  3. Include relevant themes, metaphors and ideas you would like to explore.

How do you write a drama concept?

How to Write a Play

  1. Determine your story. Brainstorm a few ideas that translate to the stage. …
  2. Determine the main character. Stage plays are largely character-driven stories. …
  3. Outline your idea. …
  4. Input stage directions. …
  5. Write your acts. …
  6. Use proper formatting. …
  7. Reread and revise. …
  8. Proofread and edit again.

What are the different types of film directors?

The three types of skilled directors are: Technical; Performance; and, Arts & Craft.

  • Technical Director. Directors fascinated with the technology know how to capture images that look cool and stir the soul. …
  • Performance Director. This type of director may have once been an actor. …
  • Arts & Crafts Director.

Who invented Jumpcuts?

filmmaker Georges Méliès

A jump cut is a cut in film editing in which two sequential shots of the same subjects are taken from camera positions that vary only slightly. Legendary filmmaker Georges Méliès accidentally created the jump cut in 1896.

When did French New Wave Start?


The French New Wave, or Nouvelle Vague, was a film movement that started in the late 1950s in (you guessed it) France.