What is IPA music?

International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) transcriptions and literal translations of opera arias and art song texts in English and certain other languages. IPA Source offers texts to works for the solo voice in Latin, Italian, German, French, Spanish, and English.

How do you transcribe an IPA?

Quote from video: Let's make a start we're going to start with the word. My my so we've got two sounds here um first a nasal it's a consonant you can see it at the bottom of the chart.

How do you transcribe both in IPA?


  1. [ˈboʊθ] IPA.
  2. /bOHth/ phonetic spelling.
  3. [ˈbəʊθ] IPA.
  4. /bOhth/ phonetic spelling.

How do you transcribe a boy in IPA?

Boy – pronunciation: audio and phonetic transcription

  1. [ˈbɔɪ] IPA.
  2. /bOI/ phonetic spelling.
  3. [ˈbɔɪ] IPA.
  4. /bOI/ phonetic spelling.