What is Zeta Phi Beta colors?

The Amicae colors are sky blue and royal blue. The Amicae flower is the white carnation. The official pin is the clasped hand covered by the letter Z. Zeta is proud of the Amicae, Friends of Zeta.

What are the Zeta Amicae colors?

The Amicae colors are sky blue and royal blue. The Amicae flower is the white carnation. The official pin is the clasped hand covered by the letter Z. Zeta is proud of the Amicae, Friends of Zeta.

Why do Zetas wear pearls?

The founding members of Zeta Phi Beta are the 5 pearls. Members of Sigma Gamma Rho wear 10 pearls to represent the 7 founding members and 3 virtues of their organization. Before Black Greek letter organizations were founded, pearls were choice jewelry members of the Order of the Eastern Star, PHA.

What is the Zeta Phi Beta symbol?

Zeta Phi Beta (ΖΦΒ)

Chapter name Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
Symbols/Mascot White Dove
Call ZPhi… So Sweet
Philanthropy March of Dimes
National Founding 1920

What does Zeta Amicae mean?

Zeta Amicae are women who have not obtained a Bachelor’s Degree, who are interested in community service, creative, energetic, self-motivated and. wish to support Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.

What are Zeta Phi Beta pledges called?

Pearlettes are mentored by members of Zeta Phi Beta to become outstanding leaders in their communities.

What is a Zeta dove?

Zeta Doves, established during the 2010 Boule, are those members of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated who have served the organization for 50+ years.

What does finer womanhood mean?

Finer womanhood is defined as “the distinguishing characteristics of a woman — one superior in kind, quality or appearance, marked by or affecting elegance or refinement.”