What’s the real story of Romeo and Juliet?

The story is, indeed, based on the life of two real lovers who lived and died for each other in Verona, Italy in 1303. Shakespeare is known to have discovered this tragic love story in Arthur Brooke’s 1562 poem entitled “The Tragical History of Romeo and Juliet”.Apr 24, 2013

Did Romeo and Juliet exist in real life?

The two families, Montecchi and Capuleti, actually lived in Verona between the end of the 13th and the beginning of the 14th century. Did they have a son named Romeo and a daughter named Juliet (Giulietta in Italian)?

Who is the real Juliet?

Juliet Capulet (Italian: Giulietta Capuleti) is the female protagonist in William Shakespeare’s romantic tragedy Romeo and Juliet. A 13-year-old girl, Juliet is the only daughter of the patriarch of the House of Capulet.

Juliet Capulet
Spouse Romeo Montague
Nationality Italian

Was Juliet a real person?

Juliet never existed, but there is a sense in which all of Shakespeare’s characters are as real as the people we encounter in our daily lives.

How old was Juliet?

13 years

The original title of the play was The Most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. In Shakespeare’s original story, Romeo is given the age of 16 years and Juliet is given the age of 13 years.

Why do you touch Juliet’s breast?

It is believed that touching her breast brings good luck! The statue was made in 1969 by the sculptor Nereo Costantini and positioned in the courtyard at the initiative of the Lions Club of Verona in 1972.

Did Romeo and Juliet sleep together?

Do Romeo and Juliet have sex? At the beginning of Act III, scene v, Romeo and Juliet are together in Juliet’s bed just before dawn, having spent the night with each other and feeling reluctant to separate.