Who was Georgia O’Keeffe for kids?

Georgia O’Keeffe was an American painter. She is most famous for her large paintings of flowers. She is considered to be the “Mother of American modernism”. American modernism was an artistic and cultural movement that came about after World War 1.

What is Georgia O’Keeffe best known for?

By the mid-1920s, O’Keeffe was recognized as one of America’s most important and successful artists, known for her paintings of New York skyscrapers—an essentially American symbol of modernity—as well as her equally radical depictions of flowers.

Why is Georgia O’Keeffe important in history?

By the mid-1920s, O’Keeffe was recognized as one of America’s most important and successful artists, known for her paintings of New York skyscrapers—an essentially American symbol of modernity—as well as her equally radical depictions of flowers.

What makes Georgia O Keeffe’s art unique?

O’Keeffe’s facility with a variety of media—pastel, charcoal, watercolor, and oil—combined with her sense for line, color, and composition to produce deceptively simple works. Her confidence in handling these elements makes her style of painting look effortless.

What was Georgia O Keeffe’s first painting?

Dead Rabbit and Copper Pot (1908)

The artist explored New York City galleries while studying at the League.