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What is international style in art?
Who owns Hickory Chair?
How did Claude Monet become an artist?
When did Oliver Brown sue?
Where is Medea from?
What is the official flower for Zeta Phi Beta?
What is upsetting Antigone?
Why did Medea kill Pelias?
What does the nurse say to Romeo in Act 2 Scene 4?
How long is Wagner’s Ring?
Is Glidden paint acrylic?
What did Richard Wagner contribute to Theatre?
What is the purpose of a monologue in a play?
Are box seats for Hamilton good?
How do you say the alphabet on the phone?
What are the characteristics of medieval Theatre?
What colleges have Pi Beta Phi?
At what age did Nero die?
What does the Ride of the Valkyries describe?
What famous person was born in Italy?
What happens in Don Giovanni?
When was FarmHouse founded?
What scene does Tybalt appear?
What do Mercutio last words mean?
What’s the form of a concert overture?
What happens at the very end of scene 6 in Romeo and Juliet?
What is under the Paris Opera House?
Is Regal part of Cinemark?
Is rendre an irregular verb?
Do you get free popcorn at Hoyts Lux?
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