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How much is an 11×14 canvas?
What art movement is pointillism apart of?
When was Hannah Hoch born?
How do you redeem Golden Circle points?
What caused the revolution of 1905?
Did Pablo Picasso invent collage?
How do you create movement in a painting?
Who came up with abstract art?
How does contemporary art become traditional?
What influenced the Romantic period?
What are the characteristics of constructivism?
Where is the Marilyn Diptych located?
How did Japan inspire the Western artists including the Impressionists?
Is Frank Lloyd Wright a modernist architect?
How do you run a retrospective?
Who influenced Giorgio de Chirico?
What influenced Art Nouveau?
How much is a Fernando Botero painting?
Who was the founder of the Hudson River School of painting?
How much is a Monet painting?
What is Audrey Flack known for?
What kind of art did Giacometti produce?
What are the major characteristics of realism?
How was Cubism made?
How did post impressionism start?
What is the different styles of art?
What colors are considered warm colors?
What does contemporary living mean?
How old is Anselm Kiefer?
Where was Picasso born?
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