What are the major characteristics of realism?

Realism is the artistic and literary current that emerged in France in the mid-19th century. Although representations of reality and life already existed before that date, it was not until that time that the term was adopted to refer to an artistic movement based on the reliable representation of reality and daily life.

However, the concept of realism encompasses a broader sense. Realism is also the predisposition to present things without idealizing them.

Likewise, the term realism has been part of different disciplines throughout history, such as philosophy or politics, and later artistic manifestations such as cinema.

The following characteristics stand out in realist painting:

  • Exposing the effects of industrialization.
  • The loss of the desire to move away from romanticism, to focus on objective reality and the present.
  • A man dazed by his paralyzing work is often found in his works.

Realism was also evident in the literature that emerged in France in the second half of the 19th century. It can be argued that literary realism arose as a form of break with romanticism: the representation of reality as opposed to sentimentality and evasion. The main characteristics of literary realism are:

  • Thematic fidelity of the works to reality.
  • Opposition to fantastic literature.
  • Expose and criticize the social problems of the moment.
  • The observation of reality is a fundamental pillar to describe the conflicts and transmit them in detail to the reader.
  • The novel becomes the main genre during this period.

Realism in philosophy

It is the philosophical current that raises questions about what existence is and how it is perceived by the human being.

In modern philosophy, this thought states that objects perceived through the senses, such as, for example, tables and chairs, have an existence independent of the perceived being itself.

This current is opposed to the idealism of Kant or Berkeley. Some of its representatives were: Aristotle, Saint Anselm of Canterbury or Saint Thomas Aquinas.

Themes of realism

Issues such as social transformations, poverty and exclusion; tensions between the aristocracy and the bourgeoisie; ambition and social climbing; the crisis of social institutions -such as marriage (adultery and divorce)-; the social role of women; etc. are present.

What are the 5 characteristics of realism?


The realist approach to art proposes a look more focused on man and his mundane, even everyday existence. Generally speaking, mythological, religious, fantastic and dreamlike themes are contrary to the realist doctrine, which is much more committed to enlightened thought and therefore to social and political denunciation.


This same aspiration to reproduce the real tends to demand levels of detail and accuracy that reinforce the effect of reality obtained by the work, although this technique can also be used in the representation of fantastic themes and figures.

For this reason, it is important to differentiate the school of realism from realistic art. In this case, for example, it could be a fantastic pictorial representation (let’s say, a dragon) made through a realistic method (detail, light effects, verisimilitude, etc).

Realism in antiquity

Realism can be found in various stages of human art, even in such ancient forms as the cave paintings of the Altamira caves, where prehistoric bison were painted in their most complex detail, even taking advantage of the shape of the rocks to give the viewer a three-dimensional sense of reality.

This is also present in numerous forms of ancient Greek and Roman sculpture, as well as in some medieval painting which, inheriting this tradition, sought to represent the suffering of its saints and martyrs as realistically as possible.

Modern realism

The emergence and expansion of romanticism in the 19th century, opposing the enlightened and rationalist trend that prevailed at the time, in turn generated a contrary artistic school, which would reject the exoticism and sometimes mythological historicism that were so common to the German and English romantics.

This school would be known as realism, and would undertake the search for art in the everyday life of man, in the class conflicts intrinsic to the industrial revolution and the nascent capitalist society.

Thus was born socialist realism, committed to the revolutionary political cause, the social novel, and kitchen sink realism, schools that rejected the tendency towards the sublime and epic of romanticism and sought to delve into the dirtiest, ugliest and most commonplace aspects of real reality.


Naturalism is often considered a step beyond realism, in the sense of its commitment to a secular and rationalist thinking that, paradoxically, ended up sentencing man to a destiny contained in his genetic inheritance and his social environment.

This, however, demanded artistic representations absolutely faithful to human social reality, a vehicle for moral exploration and social explanation of poverty, prostitution and violence. The greatest exponent and defender of this school was the Frenchman Émile Zola, who set out his theoretical principles in this respect in the prologue to his novel Thérèse Rasquin and in his essay The Experimental Novel.

What are the 7 characteristics of realism?

Moral, political and humanitarian commitment

Concerned with social problems, literary realism is characterized by a declared moral, political and/or humanitarian commitment. It thinks of the writer as someone with the responsibility to denounce social contradictions and injustices.

Representation of reality

Concrete reality is seen as the subject of creation, without excluding unpleasant elements. Writers prefer those aspects frequently avoided in romantic art, such as social problems and contradictions.

Scientism and objectivity

Scientific research was part of the resources used by writers to guarantee objectivity. No detail could be subject to speculation. An example is Flaubert, who, in order to narrate in detail the death of Madame Bovary, documented himself in the medical literature of the time.


Scientism and narrative objectivity are tied to the search for verisimilitude. Neither fantasy nor lucubration have any place in realism. The reality described must be credible, perceived as a real possibility for the reader, either because he identifies with it, or because it forces him to recognize the social reality silenced in the established order.

Predominance of the omniscient narrator

Realist literature prefers the omniscient narrator. This is due to two factors. On the one hand, the omniscient narrator knows more than the characters and this allows for an abundance of detail or focus. On the other hand, since the omniscient narrator does not participate in the action, he/she favors a sense of objectivity, whether he/she merely narrates the facts or sanctions them.

Narrative linearity

The narrative structure of realism is usually linear. This means that the timeline of the story is usually chronological, without time jumps. This does not prevent the reader from being presented with antecedents, memories or thoughts from the past that explain a certain action.

Clear, objective and direct language

Writers of realism opt for the use of direct language. They prefer to describe things clearly and objectively, even though they may abound in explanatory details and detailed descriptions. Discursive ambiguity is dispensed with and things are clearly stated as they are understood by the author.

What are the characteristics of realism in literature?

Artists and writers strove for detailed realistic and factual description. They tried to represent events and social conditions as they actually are, without idealization. This form of literature believes in fidelity to actuality in its representation. Realism is about recreating life in literature.

What were 3 common characteristics of realist art?

As we defined above, Realism art characteristics included:

  • Rejecting Romantic ideals.
  • Representing subjects “as they were”
  • Focusing on everyday people, settings, and situations.
  • Responding to a new national emphasis on French workers.


What are the types of realism?

realist thought can be divided into three branches: human nature realism, state-centric realism and system-centric realism.

What are examples of realism?

Common Examples of Themes in Realism

  • close, detailed, and comprehensive portrayal of reality.
  • emphasis on appearance of what is real and true.
  • importance of character over action and plot.
  • complex ethical decisions are often the subject matter.
  • characters appear real in their complexity, behavior, and motives.

What is a characteristic of realism quizlet?

Detailed depiction of ordinary characters and realistic events.

Which of these is a characteristic of realism quizlet?

Which of the following is a defining characteristic of realism? Realistic characters are more important than complicated plots.

What are the main characteristics of naturalism?

The characteristics of naturalism include a carefully detailed presentation of modern society, often featuring lower-class characters in an urban setting or a panoramic view of a slice of contemporary life; a deterministic philosophy that emphasizes the effects of heredity and environment; characters who act from

What is the main goal of realism?

The main goal of realism was to depict the positives and negatives of everyday life, particularly in the middle class. Realist writers focused on the human experience and the true depiction of their lives.

What are the four types of realism?

There are four forms of realism, viz., humanistic realism, social realism, sense realism and neo-realism.

What is realism simple words?

Definition of realism

1 : concern for fact or reality and rejection of the impractical and visionary. 2a : a doctrine that universals exist outside the mind specifically : the conception that an abstract term names an independent and unitary reality.

Who started realism?

Realism as an art movement was led by Gustave Courbet in France. It spread across Europe and was influential for the rest of the century and beyond, but as it became adopted into the mainstream of painting it becomes less common and useful as a term to define artistic style.

How does realism differ from Romanticism quizlet?

How did realism differ from romanticism? Realism emphasized everyday reality. Romanticism emphasized idealism and emotion rather than reality.

How did changes in the country give rise to the literary movement described as realism?

How did changes in the country give rise to the literary movement described as Realism? Industrialization led to a large literate working-class population and there was a need for literature that reflected their lives. Many people were working as opposed to completing formal education.

What famous French artist began the movement from realism to impressionism?

Edouard Manet – A famous French artist who, at the forefront of French painting, began the movement from Realism to Impressionism. Jean-Francois Millet – A French Realist painter famous for his paintings of farm peasants.

What are the main characteristics of Romanticism?

Among the characteristic attitudes of Romanticism were the following: a deepened appreciation of the beauties of nature; a general exaltation of emotion over reason and of the senses over intellect; a turning in upon the self and a heightened examination of human personality and its moods and mental potentialities; a

What are the characteristics of realism in American literature?

American Realism began as a reaction to and a rejection of Romanticism, with its emphasis on emotion, imagination, and the individual. The movement began as early as the 1830’s but reached prominence and held sway from the end of the Civil War to around the end of the nineteenth century.

What are the main characteristics of naturalism?

The characteristics of naturalism include a carefully detailed presentation of modern society, often featuring lower-class characters in an urban setting or a panoramic view of a slice of contemporary life; a deterministic philosophy that emphasizes the effects of heredity and environment; characters who act from

What is the difference between realism and naturalism?

“Realism is a manner and method of composition by which the author describes normal, average life, in an accurate, truthful way,” while “Naturalism is a manner and method of composition by which the author portrays ‘life as it is’ in accordance with the philosophic theory of determinism.”

What are 5 characteristics of naturalism?

Five characteristics of literary naturalism are scientific detachment, determinism, pessimism, poverty and miserable circumstances, and an indifferent or hostile nature.

What does realism mean in literature?

Literary realism is a literary genre, part of the broader realism in arts, that attempts to represent subject-matter truthfully, avoiding speculative fiction and supernatural elements.

Who introduced realism?

Realism as an art movement was led by Gustave Courbet in France. It spread across Europe and was influential for the rest of the century and beyond, but as it became adopted into the mainstream of painting it becomes less common and useful as a term to define artistic style.

What inspired realism?

The notable development of literary realism did not occur until the 1850s and was heavily inspired by the aesthetic works of artist Gustave Courbet. The critical manifesto, Le Réalisme, was written in 1857 by a popular French author who was known as Champfleury, which went on to define Realism within writing.

When did realism start?

Realism emerged in the aftermath of the Revolution of 1848 that overturned the monarchy of Louis-Philippe and developed during the period of the Second Empire under Napoleon III.

What did realism represent?

Realism in the arts is generally the attempt to represent subject matter truthfully, without artificiality and avoiding speculative fiction and supernatural elements. The term is often used interchangeably with naturalism, even though these terms are not synonymous.

How did realism impact society?

Summary of Realism

Working in a chaotic era marked by revolution and widespread social change, Realist painters replaced the idealistic images and literary conceits of traditional art with real-life events, giving the margins of society similar weight to grand history paintings and allegories.

What are the beliefs of realism?

Realists tend to believe that whatever we believe now is only an approximation of reality but that the accuracy and fullness of understanding can be improved. In some contexts, realism is contrasted with idealism. Today it is more usually contrasted with anti-realism, for example in the philosophy of science.

What are the four types of realism?

There are four forms of realism, viz., humanistic realism, social realism, sense realism and neo-realism.