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Who is the world’s first actor?
Who created wayang kulit?
What type of stage was used in ancient Greek Theatre?
Does AMC Saratoga have recliners?
Is comedy a satire?
Why did Artaud create the Theatre of cruelty?
Is the globe Theatre open air?
Does Lorenzo really love Jessica?
What do birds symbolize in Antigone?
How is Venice an apt setting in Merchant of Venice?
What are the four councils that AGLO supports and make up our Greek Life community at the University of Miami?
What was Cezanne’s style of painting?
What causes Toulouse Lautrec syndrome?
Where is Jeff Koons puppy?
What is Art Deco pottery?
What is the most famous statue in Italy?
What type of medium did Roy Lichtenstein use?
What is a post modern home?
What was Philip Johnson known for?
What is phonetics in communication?
Can I say indirect speech?
When was Hamlet performed in the Globe Theatre?
When were the plays performed in the Globe Theatre?
What does the colon mean in IPA?
What does Curley represent?
What are the acts called in our town?
What is playing at Angelika?
What is the main idea of one for the Murphys?
What time is the 155 bus coming?
What Colour do mime artists often paint their face?
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