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What did Charles White do?
Which state is called the basket of apple?
What sororities are at University of Miami?
Comment reconnaître une phrase passive ?
Welche Oper ist die älteste?
What is Romeo and Juliet Act 1 Scene 5?
Where was Handel when he wrote the Messiah?
Why does Wotan put Brünnhilde to sleep?
Who is replacing Michael Tilson Thomas?
What is Kappa Alpha Theta philanthropy?
What does abstract drawing mean?
Where is Degas ballerina statue?
Is Art Deco making a comeback?
Can you buy art from a gallery?
What painting by Chris Ofili as part of the British exhibit sensation caused a public backlash against the NEA and public funding?
How did Alexander Calder make his mobiles?
Who created color field painting?
Why are the 7 elements of art important?
Who is the world’s most expensive living artist?
What are the components of arts?
Which came first Gothic or Romanesque?
Why was Brunelleschi important to the Renaissance?
Where did Cole Porter go to college?
What was Jacques Louis David’s role in the French Revolution?
What is the Whispering Gallery in St Paul’s Cathedral?
What is the most popular sorority at University of Alabama?
How did the La Belle sink?
Why was Claudius important?
What Lysander thinks about love?
What kind of music did Giovanni Gabrieli write?
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