Can you dress up for the Renaissance Festival?

Don’t Feel Pressured to Dress Up (but know that you absolutely can) Feel free to ease in to a Renaissance fair by dressing in your normal clothes. It’s totally not necessary to dress up at all. Also know that you can if you want to, and that you don’t have to go all out or be period-accurate.

How do you prepare for a Renaissance Faire?

Going to the Renaissance Fair – Our Top Tips

  1. Hydrate! Bottle-holder is a must! …
  2. Wear Worthy Shoes. At a large fair, it’s not uncommon to walk up to four miles or more. …
  3. Read Maps and Schedules. …
  4. Know your “Privies” …
  5. Cash can still be king. …
  6. Kilting Up and Dressing Up. …
  7. Shows and Concerts. …
  8. Safety.