Does AMC offer free refills?

Savings to Savor Every Time. Enjoy a FREE refill on every large popcorn you purchase. Plus, at AMC CLASSIC® theatres, your second annual popcorn bucket refill is always FREE.

Does AMC have refillable cups?

Save Every Time You Pop In

Get your 2022 Refillable Popcorn Bucket today for only $20.99+tax, and refill it on every visit to AMC Theatres for only $4.99+tax. Don’t miss this terrific value on the perfect movie snack, valid for the entire year!

How much are popcorn refills at AMC?

AMC Concession Prices

Menu Item Price
Regular Popcorn $7.89
Small Popcorn $6.89
Popcorn Bucket $21.99
Popcorn Bucket Refill $4.89

Can I use my AMC 2020 popcorn bucket?

We love finding ways to save at the movies!

You will then be able to refill your 2020 Annual Popcorn Bucket for just $4.99 each time you visit all the way through December 31st, 2022. This is a deal you can enjoy all year long! *Note that this offer is avalable at participating AMC Classic theaters only.

Is AMC still doing free popcorn?

Starting today, existing AMC Investor Connect members and new participants who self-identify as an AMC shareholder and who join AMC Investor Connect through December 31, 2021, will receive one free large popcorn. The free large popcorn offer will be automatically added to the accounts of AMC Investor Connect members.

Do AMC Stubs members get free popcorn?

Enjoy a Year of Perks for Just $7.50

Join or extend AMC Stubs Premiere™ now and get 50% off premium perks, including $5 reward for every $50 spent, waived online ticket fees, and free size upgrades on popcorn and fountain drinks!

What brand popcorn does AMC use?

Popcorn is sent from Weaver Popcorn to the logistics company Vistar, which then delivers 35-pound bags to theaters. Movie-theater popcorn is what is known as “butterfly” variety.