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What does abstract drawing mean?
Where is Degas ballerina statue?
Is Art Deco making a comeback?
Can you buy art from a gallery?
How did Alexander Calder make his mobiles?
Who created color field painting?
Why are the 7 elements of art important?
What painting by Chris Ofili as part of the British exhibit sensation caused a public backlash against the NEA and public funding?
Who is the world’s most expensive living artist?
What are the components of arts?
Which came first Gothic or Romanesque?
Why was Brunelleschi important to the Renaissance?
What era does Van Gogh belong?
What is the early modern period in literature?
How many Impressionists were there?
What is postmodernism in the church?
Why is Sol LeWitt important?
What is critical constructivism?
Who founded the Dada movement?
What did Alexander Calder invent?
What is an example of postmodernism?
What is food art all about?
What is the purpose of art nouveau?
What nationality is Van Gogh?
What did the Supreme Court do in Brown v Board of Education?
What is the meaning of emphasis in art?
Who won in Brown vs Board of Education?
What is the difference between constructivism and constructionism?
Where does El Anatsui live?
Who is the most famous artist today?
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