What did the flags on the Globe Theater mean?

Colour coded flags were used outside the theatre to advertise the type of play to be performed – a red flag for a history play, white for a comedy play and black for a tragedy play.

How much did it cost to go see a play at the Globe Theatre?

Admission to the indoor theatres started at 6 pence. One penny was only the price of a loaf of bread.

How much did it cost to watch a performance at the Globe?

Prices of admission depended on the kind of theater. Outdoor theaters like the Globe charged one penny to get in and another penny if you wanted to sit in the balconies.

How much does the Globe Theatre cost?

Ticket prices & discounts

Adults £17.00
Children £10.00
Family £46.00
Seniors £15.50
Students £13.50

How much did it cost for the poorer audience members at the Globe Theatre to see a show?

The poorer theatre goers would pay one penny to stand in the stalls in front of the stage, whilst wealthier patrons would pay up to half a crown to sit under cover.

At what age may a boy and girl marry?

With parental permission, boys are legal to marry at 14, girls at 12, though it is not recommended so early. One comes of age at 21. Sir Thomas More recommended that girls not marry before 18 and boys not before 22. In non-noble families, the most common age for marriage is 25-26 for men, about 23 for women.