What does Benvolio suggest Romeo should do Act 3 Scene 1?

What does Benvolio suggest Romeo should do? Why? He needs to leave/ run away.

What does Benvolio suggest that Romeo should do?

Benvolio’s solution is that Romeo should stop thinking about the woman. He tells Romeo to “forget to think of her” (233). Benvolio tells Romeo he will teach him how to forget about her and to think of other women.

What advice does Benvolio give Romeo in Act 3?

Benvolio’s advice to Romeo is to not focus on Rosaline but to look at all the other fish in the sea. He also thinks Romeo should “Forget about her… [and] examine other beauties” (1.1. 216, 220).

What is Benvolio doing Act 3 Scene 1?

Benvolio tries his best to avoid a fight but is unable to stop the brawl that ensues. Later, he tells the prince about what has happened, trying to emphasize Romeo’s nobility. A furious Tybalt finds the Montagues and Mercutio and tries to provoke Romeo into fighting.

What does Benvolio suggest at the beginning of Act III?

When Tybalt and Mercutio start quarreling what does Benvolio suggest they do? Why? they cannot fight in public, either they fight in private or reason on the street. If the prince catches them fighting they will be killed.

What does Benvolio suggest Romeo should do Act 1 Scene 1?

Benvolio counsels Romeo to forget her by gazing at other beauties, but Romeo contends that the woman he loves is the most beautiful of all. Romeo departs, assuring Benvolio that he cannot teach him to forget his love. Benvolio resolves to do just that.

What advice does Benvolio give Romeo at the end of Scene 1?

At the end of scene 1, what advice does Benvolio give Romeo about his love troubles? Benvolio first tells Romeo to forget about the woman he loves, and instead try to interest himself in other girls as a distraction.

What does Benvolio suggest Romeo should do after he kills Tybalt?

Romeo ends up killing Tybalt. What does Benvolio suggest Romeo should do? Why? He needs to leave/ run away.

What is Benvolio’s advice to Romeo How does Romeo respond?

What advice does Benvolio give Romeo? What is Romeo’s reaction? Benvolio says forget her; look at other beautiful women. Romeo says that will only remind him of this one woman’s beauty.