What does Phi Kappa Theta mean?

What is the meaning of Phi Theta Kappa?

The Greek letters “Phi Theta Kappa” stand for phronimon, thumos, and katharotes, meaning “wisdom,” “aspiration,” and “purity.” “PTK” is acceptable on second reference, and members may be referred to as “Phi Theta Kappans.”

Was JFK a Phi Kappa Theta?

Phi Kappa Theta is a historically Catholic fraternity. The University of Georgia Delta Rho chapter, which is a mixture of all religious denominations, was originally chartered in 1963. A few well-known Phi Kaps include John F. Kennedy, Vince Dooley, Ed McMahon and Pope John Paul II.

What colleges have Phi Kappa Theta?

List of Phi Kappa Theta chapters

Location University Chapter
Arizona Northern Arizona University Arizona Alpha Omicron
Arizona Arizona State University Arizona Alpha Zeta
California Loyola Marymount University California Alpha Nu
California University of San Diego California Phi Delta

How hard is it to get into Phi Theta Kappa?

In order to become a member of PTK, you need to have completed 12 credits of coursework, and have a CUMULATIVE gpa of 3.5. If you did really well one semester, but bombed another semester, and your current cumulative gpa is not a 3.5, you are not eligible to become a member. “The $75 dollars isn’t worth the membership.