What does sirrah mean in Romeo and Juliet?

an inferior man or boya contemptuous term of address to an inferior man or boy; often used in anger. Go, sirrah, trudge about through fair Verona.

What does Romeo and Juliet Stay mean?

“Stay” is most commonly used in Shakespeare’s works in its modern definition: remaining or continuing to be.

What does minion mean in Romeo and Juliet?

mistress minion spoiled hussy. hurdle a kind of frame or sled on which prisoners in England were drawn through the streets to execution. hilding a low, contemptible person. rate to scold severely; chide.

What does parlous mean in Romeo and Juliet?

Adjective. Parlous: Definition. Full of danger or uncertainty; precarious.

Is Tybalt Juliet’s cousin?

Tybalt Capulet is Juliet’s cousin. He is extremely feisty and enjoys the conflict between the Montagues and his family.

Is Mercutio The Prince cousin?

Mercutio. Mercutio is the cousin of Prince Escalus and Count Paris, and is a close friend of Romeo and his cousin Benvolio. He supports and fights on the Montague side of the feud, and just like a Montague, hates the Capulet family.

How old was Romeo in Romeo and Juliet?

In Shakespeare’s original story, Romeo is given the age of 16 years and Juliet is given the age of 13 years. The Montague and Capulet families originated in the Divine Comedy by the Italian author Dante Aligheri, rather than in Shakespeare.

Who said Susan and she were of an age?

Susan and she—God rest all Christian souls! — Were of an age: well, Susan is with God; She was too good for me: but, as I said, On Lammas-eve at night shall she be fourteen; That shall she, marry; I remember it well.