What fraternity is Bill Cosby in?

Omega Psi PhiOmega Psi Phi.

Is Denzel Washington part of a fraternity?

He is a member of Theta Chi Fraternity. His film, Lincoln, is nominated for best picture this year. Denzel Washington is a brother of Omega Psi Phi. He isn’t a newcomer to the Oscars either.

Is Morris Chestnut in a fraternity?

According to Morris, who attended California State University, he has never been part of any Greek organization.

Was Kobe Bryant in a frat?

It was meaningful because you saw the renegade competitor relax. Bryant isn’t a fraternity brother. He isn’t a partner; just ask Shaquille O’Neal.

Is Vince Carter in a fraternity?

Vince Carter confirmed Thursday that he is officially retired from basketball following a successful 22-year NBA career. Congratulations on a stellar career Bro.

Is Morgan Freeman in a fraternity?

No other fraternity and sorority are constitutionally bound as are Sigma and Zeta. Among notable alumni of the national organization are George Washington Carver, Emmitt Smith, Jerry Rice, Karl Malone, Quincy Jones, and Morgan Freeman.