What ironical means?

interesting, strange, or funny because of being very different from what you would usually expect: [ + that ] It is ironic that although many items are now cheaper to make, fewer people can afford to buy them. showing that you really mean the opposite of what you are saying: an ironic comment/reply.Jun 8, 2022

What is another word for ironical?

What is another word for ironical?

biting caustic
derisive ironic
misanthropic misanthropical
mocking pessimistic
sarcastic sardonic

What does irony mean in simple terms?

The definition of irony is the use of words where the meaning is the opposite of their usual meaning or what is expected to happen. An example of irony is someone who talks a lot having nothing to say when asked a question. An example of irony is a whaling ship being used to save marine animals after a tsunami.

What is the sentence of ironical?

She stiffened her shoulders and saw his lips curl into that ironical smile. said Rye fluttering her eyelashes in a manner which Hat, not without relief, identified as ironical. “His tone was ironical, but he looked at Anna obliquely to test the accuracy of his words.

What is the opposite of ironical?

Opposite of using or characterized by irony. sincere. straight. respectful. serious.

What is an example of a irony?

A child runs away from someone throwing a water balloon at him and falls into the pool. This is ironic because the child ends up wetter than he would have been, thwarting his expectations of what would happen when he ran away from the water balloon.

Is ironical a correct word?

Ironical is a standard word—it is an alternative adjective form of irony—but it means the same thing as ironic. Ironical is the more old-fashioned form of the word, and ironic is the more common form today.

Why is irony used?

Why is it important? Authors can use irony to make their audience stop and think about what has just been said, or to emphasize a central idea. The audience’s role in realizing the difference between what is said and what is normal or expected is essential to the successful use of irony.

How do you explain irony to a child?

As defined, Irony is the use of words to convey a meaning that is opposite of what is actually said. In this situation, the driver was mad and irritated at what happened. But instead of directly expressing his anger, the driver used Irony i.e. thanking the officer for getting his license.