What is the past tense of dire?


dire ‘to say’
je dis nous disons
tu dis vous dites
il/elle/on dit ils/elles disent
past participle : dit

What is the future tense of dire?

The future tense conjugations for the French verb dire, along with their English translations.
Future of the French verb dire.

Future Indicative
tu diras you will say
il dira he will say
elle dira she will say
nous dirons we will say

What tense is je Dirais?

dire: Conjugation

Present Perfect
je dirais tu dirais il/elle dirait nous dirions vous diriez ils/elles diraient Pronounce these verb forms j’ aurais dit tu aurais dit il/elle aurait dit nous aurions dit vous auriez dit ils/elles auraient dit Pronounce these verb forms
Present subjunctive Perfect subjunctive

How do you use dire in a sentence in French?

Dire = to say / to tell

I said “hello” three times. Elle a quelque chose à dire. She has something to say. Je te dis non !

What is the present tense of dire?

Simple Conjugations of Dire

Present Future
tu dis diras
il dit dira
nous disons dirons
vous dites direz

What is the past participle of dire in French?

support Tex

dire ‘to say’
je dis nous disons
tu dis vous dites
il/elle/on dit ils/elles disent
past participle : dit

How do you conjugate dire in Italian?

Dire is an irregular verb, so you will have to put in a little more effort to learn it, but it is all worth it, since the verb is so common. Let’s see how to conjugate dire in all tenses.
Infinitive of Dire – Conjugation.

Present Past
Dire Avere detto

How do you conjugate dire in French?

The French verb ‘dire’ means ‘to say’ or ‘to tell’ in English.
Lesson Summary.

Subject Pronoun Dire Conjugation
je je dis
tu tu dis
il/elle/on il/elle/on dit
nous nous disons