What prompts Romeo to sneak into the Capulets orchard?

What prompts Romeo to sneak into the Capulet’s orchard? He is hoping to see if she loves him the way he loves her. What is he hoping to achieve in meeting Juliet again? Romeo says he swears by the moon but the moon is always changing.

Who does Romeo run into the orchard to hide from?

14). Benvolio and Mercutio have left the ball but Romeo has jumped a wall into the Capulet’s orchard and hides from them. He is hoping to see Juliet again. Benvolio and Mercutio look for him thinking that he is still sulking over his unrequited love for Rosaline.

Who insists Romeo jumped over the orchard wall?

5 He ran this way and leapt this orchard wall. Call, good Mercutio. He ran this way and jumped over this orchard wall. Call to him, Mercutio.

How did Romeo get into the orchard and to Juliet’s window?

Romeo jumps the wall and goes into the Capulet orchard. 2.

What danger does Romeo risk in entering Capulet’s orchard?

What danger does Romeo risk in entering Capulet’s orchard? If he gets caught, he will be killed. Before parting from the balcony, what decision do the lover’s come to? That they will get married.

How does Romeo say that he made his way into Juliet’s orchard?

How does Romeo say that he made his way into Juliet’s orchard? He flew on the wings of love.