When did De Stijl end?

19311931. None too soon, the age of utopia was about to come to an end.

What time period was De Stijl?

De Stijl, meaning ‘Style’ was a modern art movement developed in the Netherlands in the early twentieth century. Encompassing painting, architecture and design, de Stijl was founded by Piet Mondrian and Theo van Doesberg in 1917 based upon strict ideals of vertical and horizontal geometry.

Is De Stijl still relevant?

2017 marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of a Dutch art movement that has had a worldwide impact: De Stijl. Right up to the present day, De Stijl has influenced art, architecture, and product design. But the impact of De Stijl is particularly apparent in contemporary design—more specifically, in digital design.

When was De Stijl most popular?

De Stijl’s influence was perhaps felt most noticeably in the realm of architecture, helping give rise to the International Style of the 1920s and 1930s.

What was the goal of De Stijl?

At its core, De Stijl was designed to encompass a variety of artistic influences and media, its goal being the development of a new aesthetic that would be practiced not only in the fine and applied arts, but would also reverberate in a host of other art forms as well, among them architecture, urban planning, …

What came after modern art?

Postmodernism in visual art begins and functions as a parallel to late modernism and refers to that period after the “modern” period called contemporary art.

What is the difference between De Stijl and Neoplasticism?

De-Stijl(The Style), also called ” Neoplasticism” is recognizable by the use of straight horizontal and vertical lines as well as the use of the primary colors red, yellow and blue. They also used the colors black, white and gray.

What modern technique called anti art?

The Dada movement

The Dada movement is generally considered the first anti-art movement; the term anti-art itself is said to have been coined by Dadaist Marcel Duchamp around 1914, and his readymades have been cited as early examples of anti-art objects.

How do you pronounce De Stijl?

Quote from video: More videos on how to pronounce.