Where does the phrase bring home the bacon come from?

According to local legend, the church in Great Dunmow would award a side of bacon (called a “flitch”) to any man who could honestly say that he had not argued with his wife for a year and a day. Any such man would “bring home the bacon” and be considered a role model.

What does spilling the beans mean?

Disclose a secret

Disclose a secret or reveal something prematurely, as in You can count on little Carol to spill the beans about the surprise. In this colloquial expression, first recorded in 1919, spill means “divulge,” a usage dating from the 1500s.

What does to talk turkey mean?

“speak frankly

Now, let’s talk turkey. The phrase “talk turkey” usually means “speak frankly,” though this time of year it’s more likely to be a discussion of how to cook the bird. People might not use it as often if they realized its derivation seems to be white settlers in North America cheating Native Americans.