Who helped Jason and the Argonauts?

These were to plough a field using two fire-breathing bulls and to sow the teeth of a serpent in the field, and then fight the giants which sprang up from the magical teeth. Fortunately, Jason was assisted by Medea, the daughter of Aietes.

Who helped the Argonauts?

The marriage

Thetis, the sea goddess, aided the Argonauts thenceforth and carried them safely past Scylla, a six-headed monster who had once been a maiden, and Charybdis, the deadly whirlpool, since a contact with either would have meant certain death for Jason and his men.

What gods helped Jason and the Argonauts?

Jason had won the favor of the goddesses Hera and Athena. With their help Jason built the fabled ship Argo, which had 50 oars. He recruited 50 remarkable people called the Argonauts. They included one woman, Atalanta, and Hercules, the strongest man who lived ever.

Who helped Jason?


Medea, in Greek mythology, an enchantress who helped Jason, leader of the Argonauts, to obtain the Golden Fleece from her father, King Aeëtes of Colchis. She was of divine descent and had the gift of prophecy. She married Jason and used her magic powers and advice to help him.

Who helped Jason secure the Golden Fleece?


When they finally arrive in Colchis, King Aeëtes says that Jason can have the Fleece just as long he completes three nearly impossible tasks. With the help of Medea, the daughter of Aeëtes, Jason completes the tasks, grabs the Fleece and Medea, and sails back to Greece.

How did Athena help Jason and the Argonauts?

Jason was a favourite with the goddess Athena and it was she who gave the first help to the expedition by having the great craftsman Argo build a strong fast boat to take the hero across the seas to Kolchis.