Why did Longfellow have a beard?

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s wife died tragically when an ember from the fireplace caught her dress on fire and burnt her so badly that she died a few days later. Longfellow tried to put out the fire, and it is said that his face was so badly disfigured that he grew the familiar long beard to hide the scars.

What is Longfellow’s full name?

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, (born February 27, 1807, Portland, Massachusetts [now in Maine], U.S.—died March 24, 1882, Cambridge, Massachusetts), the most popular American poet in the 19th century, known for such works as The Song of Hiawatha (1855) and “Paul Revere’s Ride” (1863).

Why is Longfellow so popular?

There are two reasons for the popularity and significance of Longfellow’s poetry. First, he had the gift of easy rhyme. He wrote poetry as a bird sings, with natural grace and melody. Read or heard once or twice, his rhyme and meters cling to the mind long after the sense may be forgotten.

What is Longfellow’s most famous poem?

Longfellow (1807-82) is best-known for The Song of Hiawatha, and for growing a beard to hide the marks of a family tragedy, but he also wrote many other celebrated poems.

What happened to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s wife?

1855-1882. The last and somewhat diminished stage of Longfellow’s career began in 1861 with the tragic death of his wife Fanny. In an accident on July 9, 1861 at the Longfellow’s Cambridge home, Fanny’s gauzy clothing caught fire and she was enveloped in flames. She died the next day.

How many languages did Longfellow speak?

At Harvard, as the Smith Professor of Modern Languages, he soon earned a reputation as an earnest and well-liked teacher who didn’t just walk the foreign walk, but talked the talk as well: He was eventually fluent in eight languages and a competent reader in eight others.

What nationality was Longfellow?

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (February 27, 1807 – March 24, 1882) was an American poet and educator whose works include “Paul Revere’s Ride”, The Song of Hiawatha, and Evangeline.

Is Longfellow Oakland safe?

This is a safe community. I allow my children to walk by themselves and play outside.” “It is mixed racially and economically, including higher priced homes and low-rent apartments. I shop and dine out in surrounding areas, like Temescal, not in Longfellow.”

Is Longfellow a good poet?

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was one of the most widely known and best-loved American poets of the 19th century.