What is Finir?

[finiʀ ] Full verb table transitive verb. to finish.

What is the Finir in French?

to finish

Finir is a French regular ir verb meaning to finish.

How do you use Finir in French?

Quote from video: Sure fini I finish to fini you finish ill fini he finishes L fini she finishes um fini one finishes we finish new thing nice some i SS awareness. We are finishing.

How do you use Finir?

finir par – to end up/to finally. Example: Nous étions si fatigués que nous avons fini par dormir sur place. (We were so tired that we ended up staying and sleeping there.) Ça va mal finir.

How do you conjugate Finir in French?

Verb conjugation of “finir” in French

  1. je finis. tu finis.
  2. il finissait. nous avons fini.
  3. vous finirez.
  4. ils finiraient.

What is Finir in the past tense?

Sample verb finir – to finish

Tenses (indicative):
Person Preterite (I finished ) Perfect (passé composé) (I have finished )
1st singular. je finis j’ai finis
2nd singular tu finis tu as finis
3rd singular il (..) finit il (..) a finis

Is Finir an avoir?

Share / Tweet / Pin Me! Finir is a regular -ir verb. Note that the auxiliary verb is avoir.

What is the future of Finir?

Quote from video: She will finish on fini huh new fini home we will finish. We wish new fini home have done that Ruffini hey you will finish ill L fini home they will finish okay have a look at the list again. Here. We

What is Finir in passé composé?

Passé composé (Present perfect)

j’ai fini. tu as fini. il a fini. nous avons fini. vous avez fini.