What is Tiresias prophecy in Antigone?

In Antigone, the prophecy that Tiresias arrives to deliver is that CreonCreonIn Oedipus Rex, Creon is a brother of queen Jocasta, the wife of King Laius as well as Oedipus. Laius, a previous king of Thebes, had given the rule to Creon while he went to consult the oracle at Delphi.

What prophecy does Tiresias give Creon in Antigone?

Tiresias warns Creon that he is at a turning point, and that Polynices’s body must be buried to appease the gods and protect Thebes from their wrath. Tiresias tells Creon not to be stubborn in his decision to refuse to bury Polynices.

What was Tiresias prophecy?

Tiresias warns Odysseus that he will lose all of his companions. In Oedipus Rex, Tiresias is still alive, and it is Tiresias who reveals to Oedipus the truth about who he is, and that he has inadvertently fulfilled the prophecy which warned that he would kill his father and marry his mother.

What did Tiresias predict Antigone?

Tiresias tells him that his refusal to bury Polynices and his punishment of Antigone for the burial will bring the curses of the gods down on Thebes.

What is the prophecy in Antigone?

Their prophecy, foretold by the prophet Teiresias, states that the two brothers will kill each other in a battle for their late father’s seat as the King of Thebes. Antigone returns to Thebes, hoping to halt this prophecy, only to discover her brothers already dead and Polyneice’s body rotting in the town square.

What was Tiresias prophecy to Oedipus?

In Sophocles’ play Oedipus Rex, Tiresias is a blind prophet who accuses Oedipus of being King Laius’s murderer. He also foresees that one day King Oedipus will be dressed in rags, blind, and wandering in exile.