Why does Wotan put Brünnhilde to sleep?

Why is Fricka so angry with Wotan?

Here Wotan is figured as the lord of treaties, while Fricka is the lord of wedlock, and Fricka’s angry because of the adulterous goings-on between Siegmund and Sieglinde in Act I.

Who was the mysterious stranger at Sieglinde wedding?


Ordered by Hunding to prepare him a drink, Sieglinde brings a sleeping potion. Away from her husband, she tells Siegmund of a mysterious man (Wotan) who came to the house and plunged a sword into the ash tree, declaring that only a great hero could remove it. Many had tried, but all had failed.

What is Brunhilde relationship to Wotan?

Brünnhilde is the daughter of Wotan and Erda, the earth goddess. She, along with her sisters, are Valkyries—warrior maidens who speed through the sky to bring bodies of fallen heroes from the battlefield to Valhalla. There these heroes are revived and protect the gods against their enemies.

Who is the mother of Siegmund and Sieglinde?

Siegmund and Sieglinde are twins who were separated as children, so neither of them knows who the other one is. Their father is Wotan, the chief god, but they don’t know this either. Their mother was a mortal (an ordinary person, not a goddess) or perhaps a she-wolf, which is how the goddess Fricka refers to her.

What does hojotoho mean?

The word comes from the Old Norse valkyrja and it means ‘chooser of the slain‘. In Wagner’s version of the myth, when Wotan decides who should die in battle, he asks these powerful she-warriors to assist their death and escort them to the Valhalla. Arthur Rackam, The Rhinegold and the Valkyrie, 1910. 2.

Who killed Siegmund?


Siegmund is killed by Hunding with his spear. However he has impregnated Sieglinde, who later gives birth to the hero Siegfried.

Is Sigurd a Siegfried?

Sigurd (Old Norse: Sigurðr [ˈsiɣˌurðr]) or Siegfried (Middle High German: Sîvrit) is a legendary hero of Germanic heroic legend, who killed a dragon and was later murdered. It is possible he was inspired by one or more figures from the Frankish Merovingian dynasty, with Sigebert I being the most popular contender.

What is the name of Siegmund and Sieglinde child?

Brünnhilde tells Sieglinde that she is pregnant by Siegmund, and urges her to remain alive for her child’s sake, and to name the child Siegfried. Brünnhilde gives the fragments of the sword Nothung to Sieglinde, who thanks her for her loyalty and comfort, and resolves to save the child.