HOW LONG DOES A Streetcar Named Desire last?

The average reader will spend 2 hours and 22 minutes reading this book at 250 WPM (words per minute).

What is the time span in A Streetcar Named Desire?

A Streetcar Named Desire is set in the late 1940s, post-World War II, which is also the time period in which the play was written.

What time of year does A Streetcar Named Desire take place?

An Overview of the Setting

The year is 1947—the same year in which the play was written. All of the action of “A Streetcar Named Desire” takes place on the first floor of a two-bedroom apartment.

What is the point of Streetcar Named Desire?

A Streetcar Named Desire presents a sharp critique of the way the institutions and attitudes of postwar America placed restrictions on women’s lives. Williams uses Blanche’s and Stella’s dependence on men to expose and critique the treatment of women during the transition from the old to the new South.

What was Blanche’s mental illness?

s psychological disorder is indeed schizophrenia. Thus, the symptoms of Blanche Dubois? personality disorder are disturbances of perception, delusions and illusions, and withdrawal from reality.

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Last Modified: 12:17

How old is Blanche from A Streetcar Named Desire?

about thirty years old

Blanche DuBois: A sensitive, delicate, moth-like member of the fading Southern aristocracy, about thirty years old, she has just lost her teaching position in Laurel, Mississippi, because of her promiscuity.

How long has Blanche been staying with Stella and Stanley?

Blanche arrived sometime in May. She has thus been with Stanley and Stella about three months.

Why was A Streetcar Named Desire banned?

A Streetcar Named Desire, Tennessee Williams

The critically acclaimed play A Streetcar Named Desire was banned for its sexual content and perceived “immorality.”

Why was A Streetcar Named Desire controversial?

When “A Streetcar Named Desire” was first released, it created a firestorm of controversy. It was immoral, decadent, vulgar and sinful, its critics cried. And that was after substantial cuts had already been made in the picture, at the insistence of Warner Bros., driven on by the industry’s own censors.