How much does it cost to advertise at AMC Theaters?

you can typically expect the cost for each screen each week to range between $30 and $35. The cost for a theater showing 10 screens would be $30 a week multiplied by 10 screens = $300 a week ($30 x 10 screens = $300 weekly).

How much does it cost to put an ad in a movie theater?

Q: Why Do the Rates Vary Widely?

Format Rate
:15 spot Range of $1,000 – $2,000 per theater per 4 week period
:30 spot Range of $2,000 – $3,000 per theater per 4 week period
:60 spot Range of $3,000 – $4,000 per theater per 4 week period

How much was Nicole Kidman paid for AMC commercial?

$25 million

While it’s unclear exactly how much Kidman took home for her role, AMC reportedly spent $25 million making the ad. Perhaps the big-budget paid off, as the video soon went viral. Among the most quoted lines from the campy commercial?

How long are ads before a movie?

between 30-45 minutes

Ads and trailers normally last between 30-45 minutes before the actual film begins.