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How does Antigone demonstrate pre feminist ethics?
Why Van Gogh cut his ear?
What influenced the Arts and Crafts movement?
How many Japanese bridges Did Monet paint?
What did Donatello sculpt?
Where does the phrase bring home the bacon come from?
How far is Bakersville NC from Asheville NC?
What is the Roman Theatre called?
What does FOH and BOH mean?
What does the run crew do?
What movie theaters give military discounts?
Where was the first Theatre in America?
What were women taught from birth in the Elizabethan era?
Where does the story one for the Murphys take place?
Who invented Bunraku?
Is Asheville in North Carolina or South Carolina?
What is the setting for One for the Murphys?
How did Vincent van Goghs brother help him?
What is the definition of light in art?
Is contrast a principle of art?
Which Parisian nightclub did Toulouse Lautrec famously frequent?
Who are the composers of neoclassicism and avant garde?
Is Constructivism a critical theory?
What mediums did Henri Rousseau use?
Who used Fauvism?
How much does it cost to pledge Kappa Alpha Psi?
What is the storyline of The Barber of Seville?
What is the setting of the Phantom of the Opera?
What is SLS singing?
What is a Sibille?
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