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When did the modernist movement began?
What county is Verdi NV in?
What does Grand Basileus mean?
Is Orpheus a Greek god?
What did a castrato sound like?
What is idioms give 5 examples?
What did Elizabethan actors wear?
How do you spell Beverly?
What is monologue in drama?
What is a dilemma in philosophy?
What does ers stand for lighting?
How do you write a audience centered speech?
How many soliloquies does hamlet have?
What is Mephistopheles role?
What is the shortest scene in Romeo and Juliet?
Qu’est-ce qu’un acte de commerce mixte ?
What happens in Act Three of the crucible?
How did Toulouse Lautrec die?
When and where did Grant Wood begin his art training?
How did Greek sculpture change during the classical period?
Which of the following are qualities of most impressionist artists and their paintings?
When was the modern period in literature?
Why is Grant Wood famous?
Who is the real graffiti artist?
What are Beardsley prints?
Are there subtitles at the Metropolitan Opera?
Why is Wagner famous?
What happens in Act 2 Scene 1 of A Midsummer Night’s Dream?
Is William Tell a true story?
Can you buy tickets at the Fox Theater?
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