What does Jason have to find in the argonautika?

What did Jason have to find?

Jason successfully retook the throne on Iolcus, which his uncle, Pelias, had taken from his father, Aeson. To do this, Jason had to go on a long expedition with his group of warriors, the Argonauts, to find a magical Golden Fleece.

What does Jason have to do to get the Golden Fleece?

He was to send a bird ahead of him. The rocks would crash in on it and then reopen, at which point he could successfully sail through. When Jason finally arrives in Colchis he asks King Aietes to return the golden fleece to him as it belonged to his ancestor.

What was Jason in search of when he met Medea?

Medea plays the archetypal role of helper-maiden, aiding Jason in his search for the Golden Fleece by using her magic to save his life out of love.

Is Jason a god in Atlantis?

After his father disappeared, Jason accidentally returned to his home world whilst searching for him, and began a new adventure in the city of Atlantis.
“You can’t go until you’ve cleaned this place!”

Species: Human/God
Myth of origin : Jason and the Argonauts
Aliases: Rightful Prince of Atlantis
Status: Alive