What does The Two Fridas mean?

What do the two Fridas represent?

The Two Fridas

This double self-portrait is one of Kahlo’s most recognized compositions, and is symbolic of the artist’s emotional pain experienced during her divorce from Rivera.

How does the two Fridas represent surrealism?

Frida’s Signature Style & Symbolism

She mixes realism with fantasy, and elements of Mexican folklore with influences from European art. The surrealist artist André Breton claimed her as part of the Surrealist movement, however Kahlo rejected the label as she considered her work more politically engaged.

How does the two Fridas represent Mexican culture?

Frida Kahlo’s work placed Mexican art on the international stage. Her style was figuratist and self-taught, with elements of the fantastical and an emphasis on her own individual, biographical perspective.

What does Frida Kahlo represent in this painting which depicts two versions of herself?

Though this painting was meant to celebrate the birth of their union, their tentative grasp seems to reflect Kahlo’s misgivings about her husband’s fidelity. By contrast, the double self portrait, though laden with suffering, exhibits resilience.