What happens in Act 3 Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet?

Romeo spends the night with Juliet, but has to leave in the morning to go into exile. Juliet spends the night with Romeo and tries to convince him to stay. Once he leaves, her parents tell her that she will marry Paris. She refuses and decides to go to Friar Laurence for help.

What happens at the end of Act 3 Scene 5 in Romeo and Juliet?

Capulet threatens to disown his daughter if she continues to oppose him. The scene concludes with the Nurse advising Juliet to obey her father, and Juliet resolves to seek the advice of Friar Laurence. Once again, the dawn divides Romeo and Juliet, this time, for good.

What is Juliet’s problem in Act 3 Scene 5?

Juliet is mad with rage and desperation as she threatens suicide should her parents force her to go through with the marriage to Paris. Again, her feelings—any feelings connected to her love for Romeo—are so intense that in trying to express them she resorts to violent thoughts and speech.

What is the effect of Act 3 Scene 5?

Act 3 Scene 5 is of great importance since it reveals the anxious feelings and emotions of many characters. Events occur here, which have long-term consequences for the rest of the plays events; hence the scene can be viewed as a turning point.

What is the conflict in Romeo and Juliet Act 3 Scene 5?

The theme of conflict is revealed as the characters argue over Juliet’s disobedience. At the start of Act 3 scene 5 Capulet begins with a soliloquy, in which he describes his feelings of pity and confusion ‘How now a conduit girl? ‘ As Juliet expresses her grief Capulet becomes frightened for her sake.

What happens in Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet?

Romeo sees Juliet and falls in love with her instantly. Tybalt recognizes Romeo’s voice and sends for his rapier to kill him. A violent outburst is prevented as Capulet insists on Tybalt’s obedience, reminding him of Romeo’s good character and the need to keep the peace.