What is backstage behavior?

When people engage in back stage behavior, they are free of the expectations and norms that dictate front stage behavior. Given this, people are often more relaxed and comfortable when back stage; they let their guard down and behave in ways that reflect their uninhibited or “true” selves.

What is the difference between front stage and backstage behavior?

The front stage self encompasses the behavior a player (person) performs in front of an audience (usually society, or some subset of society). The backstage self, by contrast, is employed when players are together, but no audience is present.

What is backstage in dramaturgy?

A key element of dramaturgy is the concept of the front- and backstage. In face-to-face interactions, the front- and backstage are two related but separate areas, where the front is the space in which the performance of self takes place, and the back is where that performance is prepared.

What is Frontstage and backstage?

Frontstage – Everything customers can see (e.g., hotel reception staff) Backstage – Everything past the point of what customers can see (e.g., kitchen staff, supply-ordering systems)

What is front stage activity?

‘ Front Stage activities are customer-facing – everything the customer sees, hears and experiences at one of your winery touch points, such as in your tasting room on a tour, or online. Backstage activities are our back-of-the-house functions that are required to make a great performance happen.

What is backstage According to Goffman?

When people are back stage, they often rehearse certain behaviors or interactions and otherwise prepare for upcoming front stage performances. They might practice their smile or handshake, rehearse a presentation or conversation, or prep themselves to look a certain way once in public again.

How would you describe the difference of Frontstage and backstage of Erving Goffman’s theory of the self?

Goffman makes an important distinction between front stage behaviour, which are actions that are visible to the audience and are part of the performance; and back stage behavior, which are actions that people engage in when no audience is present.

What was Goffman’s theory?

Central to the book and Goffman’s theory is the idea that people, as they interact together in social settings, are constantly engaged in the process of “impression management,” wherein each tries to present themselves and behave in a way that will prevent the embarrassment of themselves or others.

What are the two most basic types of dramaturgy?

There are typically two types of dramaturgy: new play dramaturgy and production dramaturgy.