Which Braxton sister is a member of Zeta Phi Beta?

Towanda Braxton is a member of Zeta Phi Beta sorority.

What sorority are the Braxtons in?

Hardwick is a Alpha Phi Alpha brother. Braxton is a member of Zeta Phi Beta sorority. Sykes was initiated into the Gamma Theta Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc at Hampton University.

What sorority is Vivica A Fox in?

Chaka Khan & Vivica Fox Become Honorary Members Of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc announced its new “2020 Honorary Member Candidates.” Included in the group is legendary songstress Chaka Khan and actress Vivica A. Fox.

Is Janelle Monae a Zeta?

Monáe is a member of the Electro Phi Betas Emeritus, a house so stacked it counts Estelle, Esperanza Spaulding, Monica, Kimbra, and choreographer Fatima Robinson as members.

Is Dionne Warwick a Zeta?

It is true! Dionne Warwick, a six-time Grammy award-winning vocalist is a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Dionne Warwick has sold over 85 million records worldwide. Warwick ranks among the 40 biggest hitmakers of the entire rock era (1955–1999), based on the Billboard Hot 100 Pop Singles Charts.

Was Tracy Braxton a Zeta?

Traci Braxton on Instagram: “Happy Founders Day to my soror sisters of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated (Official) @officialzeta1920 #zetaphibeta #TraciBraxton ”

What celebrity is a Zeta?

List of Famous Singers Who Are Members of Zeta Phi Beta

  • Minnie Riperton.
  • Dionne Warwick.
  • Sarah Vaughan.
  • Grace Bumbry.
  • Syleena Johnson.
  • Lillian Evanti.
  • Towanda Braxton and Traci Braxton.

Is Traci Braxton in a sorority?

Traci Braxton on Instagram: “Happy Founders Day to my soror sisters of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated (Official) @officialzeta1920 #zetaphibeta #TraciBraxton ”

Is Opal Lee a member of Zeta Phi Beta sorority Inc?

Did you know that the ‘Grandmother of Juneteenth’, Opal Lee, is a sorority sister of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.? In 2016, at the age of 89 years old, Opal Lee walked from her home in Fort Worth, Texas, to the nation’s capital in an effort to get Juneteenth named a national holiday.