Who made Hugo?

Hugo is a 2011 American 3D adventure drama movie that is based on Brian Selznick‘s novel The Invention of Hugo Cabret. The movie is about a boy who lives alone in a Paris railway station and the enigmatic owner of a toy shop there. It was directed by Martin Scorsese, while the screenwriter was John Logan.

Did Johnny Depp make Hugo?

Hugo is a 2011 American adventure drama film directed and produced by Martin Scorsese, and adapted for the screen by John Logan.

Is Hugo real story?

The character of Hugo is entirely fictional. Georges Méliès’s had two wives, first wife Eugénie, who was married to Méliès during the time he made films (and who died in 1913). And second Jeanne d’Alcy, they did not marry until 1925.

What did James Cameron call Hugo?

He also conformed the film. James Cameron called Hugo a masterpiece” at a DGA screening prior to its release. “3D was not a gag added on top of the movie,” says Legato.

Why did Martin Scorsese make Hugo?

At the Golden Globes where he accepted the critics group’s Best Director Award for “Hugo,” Scorsese explained why he made the film: “I have to thank my love to my wife Helen, because we have a 12-year-old daughter Francesca, [and] she said to me, ‘Why don’t you make a film our daughter can see for once?’ So we did!”

Who does Hugo look like?

“I do actually see the Jamie Dornan in Hugo,” one woman kickstarted the debate, as a second agreed: “Hugo looks so much like Jamie Dornan.” A third said they noticed the lookalike before he even suggested it: “I was thinking how Hugo slightly resembles Jamie Dornan the other day.”

Was Johnny Depp the guitar player in Hugo?

Hit the jump to check out the image of Depp along with a set photo of the mechanical man that Hugo (Butterfield) and his eccentric friend Isabelle (Moretz) encounter. Hugo Cabret is due out November 23rd. Update: Paramount has informed us that Depp is not in the movie.