Who was King aeetes father?

Sun god HeliosFamily. Aeëtes was the son of Sun god Helios and the Oceanid PerseisPerseis(Greek mythology) An Oceanid, (one of the three thousand daughters of the Titans’ Oceanus and Tethys), and the wife of the sun god, Helios, with who she is the mother of Aeetes, Perses, Pasiphae and Circe. One of her many sisters is Amphitrite, (the wife of Poseidon). Perse is also closely identified with Hecate.

Is Aeetes Circe brother?

Aeëtes: Brother of Circe and the sorcerer-king of Colchis, a kingdom on the eastern edge of the Black Sea. Aeëtes was also the father of the mortal witch Medea, and the keeper of the Golden Fleece, until it was stolen by Jason and the Argonauts with Medea’s help.

Is Aeetes medeas father?

Medea was a high priestess, skilled in the art of witchcraft. Her father, King Aeetes, ruled over the land of Colchis.

Who is Aeetes to Circe?

Aeëtes is the youngest son of Perse and Helios, and the brother of Circe, Pasiphaë, and Perses. Perse rejects Aeëtes after Helios doesn’t give him a prophecy, so Circe decides to raise him. Circe loves him very much and feels that they are close.

Is King Aeetes a god?

Aeetes was the king of the island of Colchis in Greek mythology, son of Helios, the sun god, and Perseis, an Oceanid. His sisters were Circe and Pasiphae.

Who is Hecate’s husband?


Perses had a daughter Hekate . . . she married Aeetes and bore two daughters, Kirke (Circe) and Medea, and a son Aigialeus.”

Are Calypso and Circe the same?

The two goddesses with whom Odysseus has extended affairs are similar in that Circe is a devastatingly beautiful goddess-enchantress and Calypso is a devastatingly beautiful goddess-nymph; but they contrast in their motives toward and treatment of Odysseus.

Who is Aeëtes daughter?

Chalciope was a daughter of King Aeetes of Colchis and the Oceanid Eidyia.

Who was the ugliest god?


Hephaestus. Hephaestus is the son of Zeus and Hera. Sometimes it is said that Hera alone produced him and that he has no father. He is the only god to be physically ugly.