Why was Suprematism art created?

Suprematism was an art movement founded in Russia during the First World War. The first hints of it emerged in background and costume sketches that Kazimir Malevich designed in 1913 for Victory Over the Sun, a Futurist opera performed in St. Petersburg.

What inspired Malevich?

In his early work he followed Impressionism as well as Symbolism and Fauvism, and, after a trip to Paris in 1912, he was influenced by Pablo Picasso and Cubism.

When was Suprematism invented?


Suprematism, Russian suprematizm, first movement of pure geometrical abstraction in painting, originated by Kazimir Malevich in Russia in about 1913.

Why is Malevich important?

Malevich worked in a variety of styles, but he is mostly known for his contribution to the formation of a true Russian avant-garde post-World War I through his own unique philosophy of perception and painting, which he termed Suprematism.

What is Suprematism based on?

the supremacy of pure artistic feeling

The term suprematism refers to an abstract art based upon “the supremacy of pure artistic feeling” rather than on visual depiction of objects.

What is the goal of Suprematism quizlet?

A)the artist’s Suprematist goal of achieving a “blissful sense of liberating non-objectivity” did not square with the prescribed Social Realist style that was being dictated at the time. – These works are characterized by dynamic, overlapping planes which seem to float in space.