How do stage curtains work?

Also called cyclorama curtains (or cyc for short), backdrops hang vertically at the back of the stage and are usually alongside projection or lighting effects or incorporate artwork and designs used to help support the performance and create pleasing visual effects.

What are three types of curtains used on the stage?

They also are available in many different fabric options and custom designs. Although the possibilities for custom stage curtains are endless, there are three basic types of theatre curtains: proscenium curtains, masking curtains and backdrops.

What are the curtains that cover the wings of a stage?

Tabs, also known as up-and-downers (UK) or Germans, are drapes hung perpendicular to the proscenium and at the sides, used to more completely mask the wings than legs. Unlike most stage drapery, these run up to downstage (hence “up-and-downer”).

What is the curtain at the back of a stage called?


Backdrops are theatre curtains that hang in the back of the stage and can be used for projection or lighting effects. Often, they are made from canvas and printed or painted with custom artwork to create theatrical scenery.

How long do stage curtains last?

Velour stage curtains are designed to last 35-40 years when properly maintained, will your stage curtains last that long? Children touch the curtains then touch their face or mouth, wouldn’t you feel safer with a non-toxic fire retardant used on your stage curtains?

Why are stage curtains red?

Now for the more technical reason. Modern performances today include lighting, staging and production. Red does not absorb light as much as other colours, such as blue or green. This means that if the production team want to cast a spotlight onto the stage, having a red background will help to make it stand out.

What are stage curtains made from?

While there is a wide range of materials that can be used for the main curtain, the most common fabrics include cotton, polyester and mohair.

How do you fold Theatre curtains?

Quote from video: Once you've created that accordion fan-fold effect starting from the side without ties and grommets begin rolling up the backdrop.

What is a teaser curtain?

The teaser is a horizontal masking border that is lowered to reduce the height of the opening. It is attached to a batten and suspended just upstage of the proscenium, directly behind the grand drape or act curtain. The teaser can be lowered into position to set the stage height as required by the current scene.