What is units and objectives in drama?

A unit is a portion of a scene that contains one objective for an actor. In that sense, a unit changed every time a shift occurred in a scene. Every unit had an objective for each character. This objective was expressed through the use of an active and transitive verb; for example, to seduce her or to annoy him.

How do you work out character objectives?

How to Find Your Character’s Objective

  1. Keep It Simple. An objective is what a character wants to achieve within a scene. …
  2. Read The Script. …
  3. Focus On The Other Character. …
  4. Plan And Play Your Actions. …
  5. Identify Your Obstacles. …
  6. Talk To Your Colleagues.

How do you break a scene into units?

Quote from video: Down a scene insanity. System it's referred to as space or units or beats that you want to divide a play up into smaller sections. Basically the purpose is to divide the play up into smaller parts.