What was the Globe Theatre like in Elizabethan times?

The Globe was built as a large, round, open-air theatre. There was a roof around the circumference which covered the seating area, leaving the theatre looking like a doughnut from above.

What was the Globe like in the time of the Elizabethan era?

As was the original Globe, the theatre is open to the sky and has a thrust out stage surrounded by three tiers of seating. The only covered parts of the circular theatre are the stage and the more expensive seating areas. Plays are put on during summer, usually between May and the first week of October.

What did the Globe theatre look like in Elizabethan times?

The theatre was 30 metres in diameter and had 20 sides, giving it its perceived circular shape. The structure was similar to that of their old theatre, as well as that of the neighbouring bear garden. The rectangular stage, at five feet high, projected halfway into the yard and the circular galleries.

How was the Globe theatre like?

Playhouses, like the Globe, were outdoor theatres – they had some covered seating, but the yard in the middle was open to the sky. Indoor theatres were inside a larger building, so had a roof. They were much smaller than outdoor theatres.

What was special about the Globe Theatre?

The first Globe, based on the skeleton of the original Theatre of 1576, was unique not just as the most famous example of that peculiar and short-lived form of theatre design but because it was actually the first to be built specifically for an existing acting company and financed by the company itself.

What is important about the Globe Theatre?

The Globe, which opened in 1599, became the playhouse where audiences first saw some of Shakespeare’s best-known plays. In 1613, it burned to the ground when the roof caught fire during a performance of Shakespeare’s Henry VIII. A new, second Globe was quickly built on the same site, opening in 1614.

What were the actors like in the Globe Theatre?

Actors were seen as unruly and a threat to a peaceful society. Who became an actor? In Shakespeare’s time acting was a profession only open to boys and men. Women were acting elsewhere in Europe but they were not allowed to perform in public theatres in England until 1660.

What type of stage is the Globe Theatre?

rectangular stage platform

A rectangular stage platform, also known as an apron stage, thrust out into the middle of the open-air yard. The stage measured approximately 43 feet (13.1 m) in width, 27 feet (8.2 m) in depth and was raised about 5 feet (1.5 m) off the ground.